All other frames apply pressure to the lenses and distort the optical properties
Avantek is the first lens mounting system that is stress-free
Wearers of Distortion-Free Optics will find that not only their vision, but their preference for eyewear has never been clearer
- Distortions caused by other frames are obvious whenlooking through polarized light (a Polariscope)
- Frames and mounting intrude into the viewing zone
- Holes are drilled in the lenses cause distortionand can lead to stress cracks
Lens distortion caused by frames under polarized light (Polariscope)
- Provides true distortion-free and obstruction-free vision
- Eliminates the need for obstructive screws, wires or rims
- Offers superior durability in comparison to drill mounts
- Easier to clean with EX3 and no screws to interfere with cleaning cloths
Avantek Frame
Patented Avantek
Mounting System
Mounting System
- Another industry "First" from The HOYA Free-Form Company and the inventors of Flexon®
- Preserves the precision optics of the HOYA Free-Form lenses
- No lens aberrations